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Thursday, February 05, 2009

gee...CNy gg to pass so fast.....

I am still mugging and working...ah.....next thursday is officially my 'last' day at work.Coz apparently,the boss wanted me to stay but i cannot afford the time anymore as stated in my contract so they gg to bring me dwn from contract to 'temp' earning a pathetic 7 per hr as compared to my current 11 per hr(contract)......I still considering their offer thou.....

I kinda miss my colleagues.The talking cock and the mess arnd and those 'CTU high tea' moments....haha.........but well.....study comes first anyway.......I cancerian so very emotional de hor....haha...

Gd news: my team got into the preliminary rounds of the inaugural SPH business quiz!!! haha...this quiz is exclusively for SIMglobal,NTU,NUS and SMU.Each sch to send 4 teams but for SIM,there is overwhelming response as we have 16 teams so we have an elimination round on wed. and this morning,we are one of the 4 selected!! haha...yeah...Hope can progress further next sat. thou....

my next entry shld be abt pointing ugly singaporean bahz...

~ { 2/05/2009 10:28:00 PM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

gee....been so long and wanting to post this entry for a long time.........

I know it may sounds offending but i am sorry,i have already pent this up for a long time and i gg to let it all out today...

I feel that Singaporean dun really knw how to dress....i have been observing and these are the few mistakes i realised.

1)Never wear jean if u wear slipper.The purpose of jean and shoes are that we will not show any flesh of our legs and if u wear jean and slipper,it makes u look kinda sloppy.

2)Never ever wear shocking colour skinny jeans.I saw alot of young punks with funky hairstyle and shocking colour skinny jeans.totally irked pple off.

3)Wearing sunglass even indoor.I mean if u wish to wear sunglass as a fashion statement,knw the right place and time to wear.If not,u will only look like some unemployed CIA agent walking around......If u wish to wear it indoor,wear sunglass that is not too tinted......seriously,it is not cool to wear sunglass indoor.

4)I was at Kelly services to submit my resignation letter n i saw this guy totally pathetic guy.I think he already got a job and is there to sign contract or sth.He comb this 80's curry puff hairstyle and he looks like late 20 or early 30's.Firstly,his wallet is like damn fat that he struggled to take them out.If u have a fat wallet,u shld not even be gg Kelly to find job.Secondly,he brought shopping bag!! that was the ultimate.U go to interview with a shopping bag!! totally lack of interview etiquette lor.Almst wanted to educate him on d spot but decided not to be a nosey parker......

Juz now,i was on bus 133...saw this couple.....this guy was talking to his gf but i realised his eyes are very shifty.He talked but not focus on the gf and instead keep on roving his eyes arnd.If i am not wrong,he could be telling a lie.i went thru a course during my council days and this instructor teaches us how to differentiate whether this person is telling a lie or not.....damn useful......if one person eyes looking at only one direction,either up or down,the person is actually thinking....if he keep on let his eyes rover arnd.,...it means he is actually telling a lie......

Well....i submitted my resignation letter last thursday and will cease to be working in Citibank on 12th Feb 2009.Going to lock myself in a cave and start to mug like nobody before....so guys,my exam will only end on 29th may.So prior that,i will try to minimise my engagements so if i reject or nv go for some of the gatherings,pls do not blame me........thank u thank u!

~ { 1/14/2009 11:40:00 PM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Well well well......

My blog has become an monthly entry le bahz....haha...sorrie sorrie...too busy la.....

Well.....2008 coming to an end.....guess it is a gd time to do a review of 2008 and resolution for 2009....

2008....a year of changes and turbulent....

After ORD....have a 3 month short stint at Central Provident Fund and after that a 2 month short stint in Ministry of Manpower....Entered SIM-UOL banking and finance and meanwhile working part time at Citibank too.....

Really a hectic as basically i be studying in the day and den work at night...Wkend are left mostly for revision.....

UOL is the last chance for me to succeed and my aim is to get a 2nd upper....unfortunately,i got the Citibank job only after i plan my timetable so my schedule is kinda screw up la...if i can choose,i wld have squeeze 2 lect. into one day so i only go sch for 2 days lor...haiz...but well...we gotta live with some regret anyway....

In terms of love,things are going well for my gf and me bahz...in a sense that things are stable...being more than 2 years le.....things have changed in a way as in the way we spend time tgt bahz....last time in NS,very free so can make time for her...but now,after ORD,my life get very busy le.....really wish to thank dear for her understanding....

2008 is a year where i experience a drastic change of life.....i no longer can take a backseat like in NS and i also learn alot in NS in terms of human relationship.....learn how to handle human emotions and stuff.....but now,i have yet to manage my own emotions......i feel very stressed whenever i tried to study esp. when i am working part time....i view study as an utmost priority for me.....

Well...guess i juz have to be more adapt to this sort of lifestyle...the pay is pretty gd and that is why i quite reluctant to quit...hehe...

Well....one thing i regret is not able to meet up with friends....last night juz came back from Ian birthday part...this guy is one sort of a destiny bahz....he is my first 3 mth NYJC frenz but right,he only come sch for 3 wks and den fly off to aussie le and yet we still able to maintain these friendship tgt with Huixiang for more than 5 years.......it's amazing,isn't it?

Gee.....i now nursing a flu...wad a way to end this year.....well...i certainly next year which is 4 hrs away will bring in some gd luck for me bahz.....*strike toto,strike 4D...etc...haha*

My resolution for next year:

1)To get 2nd upper for my first year examination
2)To get slimmer (every yr confirm will have de)
3)My gf and me love each other deeper and deeper

That will be all bahz....

My flu really getting onto me le....

I hope everyone has a nice year ahead and may 2009 bring abundance of hope and love to u!

Gd bye 2008,Welcome 2009!

~ { 12/31/2008 11:10:00 AM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So long nv blogged again.....

Well...this time i really wan to wash dirty linen to the public le bahz......

Sometimes,alot of pple like to be fake.....like to show pple how happy their families are tgt etc etc......i also wish to do that but i can't and it is all because of my gd-for-nothing elder brother......

Since young,my parents have always been showering him with love and stuff.....but now,he is 26 years old and has never ever given anything back to my parents....here are the list:

1)During army life,lose money in betting,secretly take my parents' money to return bet

2)When my brother is dealing with Multi-Level marketing,selling magnetic bed...my parents first to buy from him.......one single mattress around $1.2k.....imagine if it is queen size....

3)When my brother wants to set up a trading account,they give him 5K to start the account.

4)When my brother went Malaysia to work,my parents pay for his clothings and air tickets etc.But work for 3 months,company got problem and came back home.

5)got a job in a advertising firm.Earn more than 1k.....may be very little but if u can eat at home.that 1k can easily go to alot.....and when i says more than 1k,i mean higher end of 1k......But when comes to give money for household expenses,will dilly dally and dun want to give.....

6)When my brother came home late,my mum always will leave the soup for him....

Look at the list.It will makes everyone grows with envy and believe my brother will return the graditute?? NO!

these are what he has done.

1)took my mum atm card w/o asking and withdraw money to pay gambling debt incur during NS

2)Took my mum new credit card and forge her signature and then what did he sign?MOS drinks.100 plus 100 plus sign sign sign........my mum didn't know.....

3)Happen thrice.Thought he learn his lesson.NO!....today,take again........my mum called me......i says i nv take....brother also says nv take....juz now came home from work.......mum told me,her card found in her purse............My brother put back!! u tell me la.This type of brother,how to earn my respect....everytime says i youngest so no rights to shoot him off.........wth!....now isn't abt the time to talk abt age,bro!!

Sometimes i wish to have a brother that takes care of home....vacuum the house.....do laundry,wash plates after meals.......but never.....he just eat and leave it there....letting my dad to wash for him.....

Fri night,go out late,come home 2 plus den slp till 11am or 12pm....eat lunch,facebook and PSP and den 4 plus,leave house and go out.....come home 12 or 1 plus am....slp till sunday 9am and den go windsurf....come home arnd 3 plus...facebooking .....and den slp...that is bascially his weekends....where the heck does household chores come in??!!!

I have to work and study.Weekends are the only time i can study for a long period.But guess what,i come home....to do household chores!!!

Haiz.........why can't i have a more sensible brother?

~ { 11/11/2008 11:48:00 PM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

gosh....been eons since i blogged!! really really busy........

For the past 3 mths,been busy working and studying at the same time....

Now i am in SIM-University of London-Banking and Finance(Full time).

At night,i be working at millenia tower for Citibank dealing with time deposits and foreign exchange.Pay quite attractive.

Although tiring but working at Citibank really open my eye alot and see the bank operations....
gee....imagine working fro 9am to 11 plus PM!!!......my future life......haha.......

gee....going to ramble on some insightful stuff that i have taken notice while travelling to n fro from sch to work etc la.....

i realise Singaporean fashion getting worse.Just today,i was sitting in a train and i saw a guy came in with a stupid and outrageous hairstyle i ever seen........his hairstyle machiam like Anime show.....the hair volume v.dense and flowy and hair v.big....and the freaking problem is his head and body so small la....and the whole time,he in mrt,juz keep on touch on his hair....i realli wan to laugh till pengz.....pls lahz......firstly,his head damn small for the hairstyle.Secondly,he still thinks he looks cool and keep on twisting and touching his hair....oh my gosh!! wanted to go up to him and tell him d cold hard fact but i think he noticed me coz i everytym look at his hair and then turn away sniggering while he turned his head towards me.....lolx....

One more thing i cannot stand is young punk.Those like kids who looks like 13 or 14 trying to act lao da.....think they watch too many HK serials le......got one time at Orchard mrt,got one grp of punks-2 guys and 1 gal wanted to get out of train but u know de,Kiasu singaporean all rush in first,so they have to push their ways out......den after forcing their ways out,they keep on shouting vulgarities and somemre one guy wear one HOT PINK skinny jeans.....den they all so freaking short..........saw them spew vulgarities....so freaking cute lor......wnated to laugh at them......coz i juz need to stretch out my arms,they can't touch me le.......But realli,kids always remain as kids....no matter how u dress or acts......u will always be a kid....so pls.....be like one and stop acting punkster..........

Haiz...it is not that i am a very fashionable person but i juz feel that s'porean still have to reserve that bit of 'conservative' mentality in terms of dressing and be constantly mindful that the world sitll have many pple living.....

I realised that sometimes a busy life can has 2 sides........either busy working or busy gg out with friends....but for me,i am busy with work and study......i have no CCA in SIM too.....haiz......realli a sad life...wkend is reserved for revision...*striving for my 2nd upper* which is slipping away as moments pass..........I have reached a new stage of my life......or rather a last chance for me to succeed.......Like what other pple are facing,with every new passing phase of life,new encounters or rather new awakening will arise......can we cope with it,deal with it and conquer it? Time will tell and by that time,a new phase will come again.....a cycle that goes on and on.......

gee...feeling very emo...time to stop and take a break before waking up 6-7 hrs later and start a cycle of working and studying again..........am i suffering from a burnout? *shrugs*

*gal gal........*

~ { 10/08/2008 12:23:00 AM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Your view on yourself:You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on educationEducation is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.

What are you most afraid of:You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

~ { 8/06/2008 08:39:00 AM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Monday, July 21, 2008

Pallada - The Fastest Tall SHip docked @ Vivo from 2th - 6th July
A long overdue post.........
was at Vivo. to be on board the fastest tall ship

Lucky for us
we met this Guy studying at Singapore Poly who was on board with them for a wk
He gave us a guided tour around the ship.
and into the cabin
where only the Russian crews were allowed - restricted area lor!

Pallada is like a training ship for Russia University.It is like the fastest sailing ship as it has participated in many races around the world.

At first,just went onboard and thought there are some guided tours or something but in the end dun have.But lucky we met a guy who had a chance to be onboard the ship.He from s'pore poly and was selected to go onboard the ship for a few days.

Before the stopover at S'pore,it had docked at Penang so the guy travelled to Penang to be onboard the ship and then returned to s'pore......

Had an exclusive view in their bedroom and hallway........presumably not everyone can go de worz....

Apparently,every day stay at sea is equilavent to 2 days so they are paid US$5 per day.Though quite little but they can have Mac laptop lor.They drink plum juices coz apparently it is quite cheap.They also trained in martial art for apparent reason-piracy..............

gee........was realli infotainment ....

den rush to play soccer after that........

Will give a consolidated work i have done for the past 6 mths............

In photo forms worz....hehe.......*hint to my lao po......*

~ { 7/21/2008 10:11:00 PM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;